Project Management. e-Business. Transformation.
I’m getting a bit lazy in posting. Ah! too much work!
Recently I finished writing a paper on e-Business – transformation and the project management aspect of it. Its quite an intresting topic. In our company, we focus on technology and management both sides equally. Technology doesn’t carries-out management and niether it should buy it. The management has to buy and should carry forward the kind of technology which they desire as per their business rules and practices.
The most noteable thing in the whole scenario of project management and e-Business transformation is the key factor and which is – the continous evaluation of the project. The direction where the project is going and what’s the path on which it is travelling.
e-Business can be a daunting task for any corporation. A lot of learning is required from all the ends. The steering-committee, the stake-holders of the various projects, the sponsors, and the employees at large. To satisfy everyones needs and wants is not as easy as it seems. Taking a step by step approach to solve this problem and that too under the project management methods makes life easier for everyone. Not everything can be found in books. Somethings occur due to experience and exposure.
Another important task in attaining the e-business model is to identify the most important projects which require immediate attention – follow up on those projects on a regular basis, assign the people on it, and review quarterly or bi-monthly reports on the progress of the projects.
The other way to look at the internet is to look from the perspective of improving internal and external efficiencies. Finding new means of utilizing the internet for most of the jobs – helps reduce the costs, and develops efficiency and brings in value and growth. Even things like making Airline reservations, or taking monthly reports, or employee training.
e-Business to me is an on-going process and its transformation to the current business practices is another never ending process no matter how tech-savvy a company is or becomes. Learning new steps at every step of the way is on-going. Thus makes the task of managing such e-Business transformation projects very goal focussed and remaining true to the agreed-upon goals of the project